Promotional Exams

Promotional Exams

Promotional Exams

Please Place Your Order for Tests/Study Guides at Least 6 Weeks Before Testing

The exams are available for purchase from the TACP to Tennessee agencies only. The TACP does not provide exams to individuals.

Candidates seeking promotion to the next level in a public safety agency need to have a command of essential job-related information. For example, viable candidates for promotion to Police Sergeant might need to be knowledgeable about their department's use of force policy, the benefits of a community-oriented policing philosophy, state vehicle codes, domestic violence laws, etc.

Although there are many things they can look up in a book, first and second-line supervisors are often required to take control of a particular situation and draw on their base of knowledge to act appropriately. Furthermore, supervisors also serve as a day-to-day source of guidance and information for an agency's less experienced members.

It goes without saying that every public safety agency is different. In developing a job-knowledge promotional exam, there are many factors to consider. That's why we take a customized approach in developing your exam. We feel writing items specific to your department's policies, procedures and issues is the most valid and legally defensible option when it comes to this facet of the promotional process.

Stanard & Associates, Inc. has created customized promotional exams for numerous police, fire and sheriff's departments across the nation.

If you have any questions, please contact the TACP office at (615) 726-8227 or


545 Mainstream Dr Suite 103, Nashville, TN 37228

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