National Detective Investigator Test

National Detective Investigator Test

National Detective Investigator Test

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The exams are available for purchase from the TACP to Tennessee agencies only. The TACP does not provide exams to individuals.

The National Detective Investigator Test (NDIT) is similar to The National First & Second Line Supervisor Tests, but is intended for agencies that are looking to select/assign officers to the rank of Detective or Investigator. The NDIT is a 75-question, content-valid, written exam derived from three textbooks covering the topics of Criminal Investigations, Major Court Cases and Investigative Interviewing. A study guide will be required for each candidate that will provide a detailed breakdown of the Areas of Measurement (i.e., a listing of the chapters or sections from each book that candidates should study for the exam). Please note: Candidates will still need to obtain the actual textbooks to prepare for the exam. A study period of 30 days or more is suggested. All exams will be scored by Stanard & Associates, Inc. and results will be provided to the authorized point of contact overseeing the selection process for the agency.

If you have any questions, please contact the TACP office at (615) 726-8227 or


545 Mainstream Dr Suite 103, Nashville, TN 37228

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